108, Vakil New Street, Simmakal, Madurai - 625001
+91 9994428490
108, Vakil New Street, Simmakal, Madurai - 625001
+91 9994428490
We are young team of professionals, who understand what is business and what are the basic problems faced by businessmen in day to day life.
We analyze the problem taking our experience in to account and come up with remedy which is legally permissible and practically feasible which fits your problem.
In Modern world even money loss is bearable, but time loss once lost is loss for ever, hence choosing a wise consultant avoid both money and time loss. Thus, we ensure satisfaction to the core by delivering quality service when the firm most require. Our team with hand fully of experience and knowledge make the client to reach top of pyramid.
In modern era data is everything. Accounting is nothing but it is systematic analysis of data. Most of large scale industries are regulated but few midsize and small scale industries still remain unregulated and paying their price in terms of penalty, interest, seizure, late fees etc., even large scale and midsize firm should deploy a consultant to ensure that everything's take place with law compliance and in order to ensure reduce the risk of govt interference.
ஐயத்தின் நீங்கித் தெளிந்தார்க்கு வையத்தின்
வானம் நணிய துடைத்து.
To ensure accounting discipline in and around environment. And to act as a bridge between govt. and company.
Maintaining disciple, being patient, being time conscious, ensure quality service, helping our self by helping others, remaining focus, being frugality, updating on day today basis, to learn and unlearn, maintaining healthy work environment, being true to our conscious and building trust worthiness with client.
உடையார்முன் இல்லார்போல் ஏக்கற்றுங் கற்றார்
கடையரே கல்லா தவர்.
முகத்தான் அமர்ந்து இனிதுநோக்கி அகத்தானாம்
இன்சொ லினதே அறம்.
கேடும் பெருக்கமும் இல்லல்ல நெஞ்சத்துக்
கோடாமை சான்றோர்க் கணி.
பொருளல் லவரைப் பொருளாகச் செய்யும்
பொருளல்லது இல்லை பொருள்.
அஞ்சுவ தஞ்சாமை பேதைமை அஞ்சுவது
அஞ்சல் அறிவார் தொழில்.
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